Cell Salts
Perfectly balanced in the ratios your cells prefer, our cells salts are a supersaturated solution of the 12 essential Cell Salts required to uphold optimum health. Designed to be a perfect mineral supplement, Immortal Minerals provides your body with the foundations of nutrition, helping to keep you feeling and looking young and healthy.
Perfectly balanced in the ratios your cells prefer, our cells salts are a supersaturated solution of the 12 essential Cell Salts required to uphold optimum health. Designed to be a perfect mineral supplement, Immortal Minerals provides your body with the foundations of nutrition, helping to keep you feeling and looking young and healthy.
Perfectly balanced in the ratios your cells prefer, our cells salts are a supersaturated solution of the 12 essential Cell Salts required to uphold optimum health. Designed to be a perfect mineral supplement, Immortal Minerals provides your body with the foundations of nutrition, helping to keep you feeling and looking young and healthy.
Our Ingredients:
•Calcium Phosphate
•Calcium Sulfate
•Calcium Chloride
•Sodium Phosphate
•Sodium Sulfate
•Sodium Chloride
•Potassium Phosphate
•Potassium Sulfate
•Potassium Chloride
•Magnesium Chloride
•Orthosilicic Acid
​•Organic Sulfur
Organic Sulfur
Organic sulfur is an essential nutrient, and without it, chronic or degenerative diseases can begin to take hold. Every day your body uses up its stores of sulfur in the biosynthesis of proteins, insulin, and enzymatic reactions. If these Sulfur supplies are not replenished daily, chronic inflammation, aging skin, weak bones, diabetes, intestinal issues, heavy metal toxicity, oxidative stress, or a slew of other problems can ensue. Normally, Sulfur is absorbed from a healthy diet and the consumption of 'living' water sources like springs, wells, glacial melt, and rivers. But, due to our depleted soils, modern agricultural practices, and the fact that most major rain storms are now man-made via weather modification in the majority of 1st world countires, it means that most foods and water sources are now lacking in Sulfur. A state of chronic dehydration from the over-consumption of diuretics like coffee and alcohol and lack of diversity in the diet also lead to the bodies depletion of Sulfur.
Just as the trees use sulfur to build their cell walls, so do humans. Humans need sulfur to create bone, muscle, cartilage, and collagen. Sulfur is also required in our cell walls to transport water from the blood to inside the cell, helping to deliver nutrients and remove wastes. The structure of your body and the movement of its fluids are the foundational requirement for having a physical experience. Most, if not all, of these functions and structures rely on Sulfur either directly or indirectly. So, it goes without saying that it is an essential nutrient.
Strength and Beauty:
Organic Sulfur can be used as a powerful tool to help strengthen, build, and heal the body. Sulfur is a necessary element in the production of both bone growth and red & white blood cells. Using Sulfur to reverse bone loss or osteoporosis has become a common practice in many natural clinics, and now even athletes are using organic sulfur to strengthen and build muscles and bone mass faster.
The presence of Sulfur in the cell wall also brings more water and oxygen into the cell, which reduces lactic acid production during workouts, leaving you less sore and encourages faster recovery time. This increase of oxygen in the cell also helps to regulate mitochondrial function, improving ATP production and ultimately providing your body with more energy and flexibility pre and post workout.
On top of building the internal structure of your body, Sulfur also works to strengthen and build healthy skin, hair, and nails. Sulfur is needed for the production of collagen, elastin, and Keratin which are needed to keep skin smooth, supple, wrinkle-free, and blemish free.
Its well known that one of the main roles Sulfur plays in the body is as an antioxidant, especially in regards to the oxidative stress sun exposure can cause to the skin. Sulfur works to keep the skin from burning while working to synthesis vitamin d3 sulfate, and cholesterol sulfate. These products help skin stay healthy and supple despite the extended fun in the sun you might have. ​
Sulfur deficiencies have been shown to promote acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema. So, getting sulfur back into your system can help to remove these embarrassing problems.Mitochondrial health is also precedent in the tone and complexion of your skin. With Sulfurs ability to pull water and oxygen into the cell, it can also help with reducing skin spots, freckles, and moles.
Organic Sulfur is needed for the production of your intestinal lining, the thin layer of tissue that keeps toxic wastes and bacteria from entering your bloodstream. If tears in the intestinal lining occur due to inflammation (usually caused by high lectin intake) then leaky gut syndrome can set in.
"A leaky gut is present in every autoimmune disease in which it has been tested, including in people with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis), celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes." (R) ​
Making sure you have sulfur to synthesize vitamin D3 Sulfate, and Cholesterol Sulfate is also extremely important to the health of your cells and digestion. When you eat food, and your blood glucose levels rise, the pancreas is stimulated to release insulin. The insulin in your bloodstream then influences your cells to bring cholesterol sulfate in. The Cholesterol Sulfate is found attached to a blood cell, its presence being there to help blood hold on to the oxygen and iron needed to keep your body functioning properly (R). Cholesterol Sulfate reacts with the Iron in blood to create Iron sulfate which then catalyzes the break down of glucose and delivers the digested sugars and oxygen to your mitochondria to produce ATP (R).
Vitamin D3 Sulfate also plays a major role in the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous. Molecules which collectively make up 99% of your body's dry weight mass.
So, without sulfur, digestion is relatively impossible, fat builds up, autoimmune disorders set in, and diabetes can occur.​
Sulfur and decalcification:
Because Sulfur is required to make the most active and water-soluble sulfated form of vitamin d3, then it becomes possible for Sulfur to scavenge digested calcium and use it to build strong bones and teeth. Without Sulfur, Calcium can be insufficiently absorbed or transported for use. What often happens to this unprocessed calcium is that it is stored in the arteries, soft tissues, kidneys, or endocrine glands of the body. This can lead to painful and debilitating kidney stones, atherosclerosis (artery plaque), and eventually heart attack and stroke.
A common problem we hear about with the rise of spiritual awareness is issues with the calcification of the pineal gland. Most now know that many processed foods and municipal water sources contain trace amounts of calcium fluoride. This particular mineral has an affinity for the pineal gland, where it tends to station itself and crystalize. It is now estimated that 90% of all Americans will have a calcified pineal gland by the age of 15. This can be seen as a hard white dot in the center of the brain if an MRI of the head is performed.
Calcification of this master gland leads to lower levels of self-awareness, neurogenesis, and higher cortisol levels which can lead to adrenal fatigue, poor digestion (once again), and an imbalance to the entirety of your body's health.
Organic sulfur acts as a solvent to Calcium fluoride and helps transport it out of your system. With consistent use, you may feel deeper levels of awareness, memory/recall, and presence. This allows you to strengthen your mental and emotional presence so that you feel less aggravated in stressful situations, well-rested in the mornings, generally content, and intuitively insightful.
The Sulfur of Pine should be recognized as the most powerful tool for decalcifying the pineal gland in a short amount of time and helping to aid the body to higher potentials of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.