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Mesembryanthemum Tortuosum | Sceletium Tortuosum

Plant Profile:
esembryanthemum Tortuosum, simply known as Kanna, is a white shaggy fungus found in the northern parts of North America. It grows in cold conditions.

Mesembryanthemum Tortuosum
Sagebrush acts as a keystone species in many of the western states, providing food, shelter, and habitat for a large variety of plants, insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals. It is estimated that Sagebrush steppe provides habitat for over 350 vertebrate species ultimately attracting a biodiversity, ecological cycle, and stability beyond measure.



Sagebrush Spagyric:

This preparation of Sagebrush includes all three principles of the plant: essence (Oil), fermented spirit (Ethanol), and the plant's alkaline salts. Our spagyrics are 'traditional' in the sense that we do not tincture our plants and then add calcined ashes back in. True spagyrics are made by separating all 3 principles from a plant via distillation, fermentation, calcination, recombination and subsequent maturation of the spagyric. Spagyric preparations are estimated to increase the medicinal efficacy of any herb by at least 40x and can have beneficial effects in the body for up to 72 hours. Spagyrics are intended for internal use where only 1-2 drops are needed, and it is recommened to dilute these drops into a drink of your choice. Any beverage works, alcoholic or non-alcoholic. Sagebrush spagyric can be taken 1-3 times a day depending on needs and severity of issues. Using your spagyric daily will bring the most benefit.​ Spagyrics are better options for working on neurotransmitter function, digestive issues, Memory/focus, and the other physical and internal ailments listed below.


Theraputic profile:



​Lung and Sinus:
Sagebrush Essential Oil has a 40% Camphor content, which, when inhaled, acts as a bronchodilator, opening up lung passageways and acting as a decongestant. Opening up the air passageways helps to bring more oxygen into the lungs and, which is then absorbed into bloodstream. Increased blood-oxygen levels alkalizs the body reducing acidic environments for bacteria, viruses, parasites, and cancers to grow. This increased oxygen absorbtions also helps to protect red blood cells keeping your lungs and circulatory system healthy. 

Camphor is a common substance found in both natural and prescription grade asthma treatments, including inhalers and vapor rubs. It has been known to reduce the involuntary bronchospasms that cause asthma attacks. The Camphor found in Sagebrush also removes mucus build up in the lungs, bronchi, larynx (voice box), pharynx, lymph, and sinuses. Inhaling the camphor rich essence of Sagebrush has a cooling and a gentle analgesic (numbing) effect on the lungs, which can soothe pain or irritation caused by coughing, asthma, or a sore throat.

Treatment: The best ways to inhale Sagebrush essences are by smoking the dried sage leaves, diffusing Sagebrush essential oil, or wearing the essence on the chest like a vapor rub. Using the essence externally and the spagyric internally is the best approach for treating asthma when working with Sagebrush. If you are a consist smoker, adding ground sagebrush to your tobacco or cannabis is ideal for opening up the lungs and cleaning out any mucus or oxidative damage the smoke might inflict.  

Inflammation, Pain, and Arthritis:
Being a natural analgesic, Sagebrush can work rapidly to reduce the swelling, inflammation, and pain involved with arthritis, gout, allergies, sprains, brakes, insect bites, and infection. Sagebrush is highly alkalizing, breaking up uric acid crystals in the blood that can cause gout, arthritic pain, thyroid issues, and kidney failure. In the past, native peoples would apply Sagebrush poultices or infusion to take away the pain of toothaches, headaches, or for bonesetting.

Arthritis & Pain
- Apply 1-2 drops of Sagebrush essential oil to inflamed or painful areas. Combines with the Sulfur of Pine for more pronounced painkilling effects.

Gout & Kidney - Dilute 1-2 drops of either the Sagebrush essential oil or the Sagebrush Spagyric into a beverage of your choice. Consume 1-3 times a day depending on severity of the issue.

Headache & Migraine - Apply 1-2 drops of Sagebrush essential oil to either the clavicle or behind the ear.  

Oral health:
Sagebrush contains high camphor, pinene, and cineole content which makes it extremely antibacterial and antifungal. Applying Sage essences to the gums or adding a drop to your toothpaste can help kill gingivitis and freshen the breath. Sagebrush's cooling effects can also leave your mouth feeling minty and clean while. The essence will even help to whiten teeth!

Treatment: Apply 1-2 drops of Sagebrush Essential oil or Spagyric to your finger and rub on gums, or to your toothpaste when brushing. 

Gut health, digestion, and metabolism:
The health of the digestive system relies highly on the friendly microbial colonies found in the intestines. If bad yeasts, molds, or microbes -like candida, E. Coli, and Salmonella- take residence in the gut then a series of problems can begin to express themselves - bloating, gas, ulcers, pain, food allergies, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, or acid reflux. Sagebrush can effectively kill off bad microbes and fungus to help relieve these symptoms. It has been effectively used as a bitters to aid in digestion, the reduction of gas, and bloating after a meal. The bitter quality of Sagebrush stimulates the secretion of bile helping to digest food and absorb fats, proteins, minerals, and starches making it a wonderful aid for nutrient absorption in ailments associated with nutrient deficiencies. Sagebrush also promotes healthy bowel movement and elimination of toxins from the intestines. Since Sagebrush can kill off harmful bacteria, it is seen to be an effective remedy for food poisoning. 

Sagebrush has also been a traditional remedy for increasing the appetite. And, since it helps with digestion and nutrient absorption, Sagebrush can be used to effectively treat issues related to being over or under-weight, eating disorders, and malnutrition.

Treatment: Dilute 1-2 drops of Sagebrush Essential oil or Sagebrush Spagyric into a beverage of your choice and consume. For best results, take in the morning before eating. It is also very beneficial to consume Sagebrush after a meal to help stimulate bile secretion and reduce bloating/gas. 

Mind & Emotion:

The chemical profile of Sagebrush gives it unique modulation abilities over the mental and emotional health of your experience. The Pinene found in Sagebrush oil has the ability to balance out neurotransmitter functions related to Seratonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, GABA, and Histamine. This makes Sagebrush a wonderful anti-depressant and anti-psychotic. It has been used effectively by traditional healers to treat paranoia, anxiety, hysteria, nightmares, and stress. 

Both the Thujone and Cineole found in Sagebrush work as GABA antagonists. This means that natural chemicals in Sagebrush can replace GABA as a neurotransmitter, in effect sending their own signals to the nervous system. These 'messages' or 'signals' from Sagebrush help calm the nerves, relieve pressure on the nervous system, and reduce cortisol levels, calming the body and mind. By using GABA antagonists, the brain can be influenced to build more GABA receptor sites, generating more pathways by which you may stay calm and stress-free. Finding little to no stress in life helps keep spirits high and depression away. For this reason, Sagebrush has always been seen as a mood enhancer. 

Sagebrush also increases blood flow to the brain, supplying needed oxygen and nutrients. Combined with the neurotransmitter modulation, this helps generate an experience of clarity, focus, and mental energy. Being a GABA antagonist means that Sagebrush is also a powerful tool for 'adaptive change' in the brain promoting both mental and muscle memory retention while decreasing cognitive loss. Sagebrush can be used as an excellent tool for degenerative diseases of the Brain, the elimination of Brain fog, and an aid in academic settings to stay focused, alert, and clear. 



​Planetary Correspondence:

Sagebrush has several planetary correspondences: The most prominent is its Lunar correspondence. Lunar qualities, in humans, relate to aspects of the sub-conscious, perceptions, Brain, and vision - spiritually and physically. This can be seen through Sagebrush's ability to modify neurotransmitters found in the brain, increase clarity, focus, alertness, while also helping to stimulate vision correction.



It also carries a strong Mercurial Correspondence. In humans, Mercury corresponds to the throat and to expression - vocally or physically. Its Essential oil in-particular has the ability to 'open up' the Larynx (voice box) and remove mucus from the throat and sinuses. This helps to speak more loudly, effectively, and with the lunar qualities associated with it, clearly and eloquently. It can also heal these areas of the body making it great for public speaker and singers who use their voice often.

Venus is also present in Sagebrush's expression. This is reflected in its ability to increase blood oxygen levels and act as a vasodilator. Venus is associated with the Heart, blood, and Kidneys. Its element is Air, and we can see how Sagebrush acts as a powerful bronchodilator, helping to open up air passageways and clear congestion so we can breathe deeply. 

Mars energies are also anchored into Sagebrush. In our bodies, Mars relates to our Solar plexus, digestion, willpower, and confidence. As explored above, Sagebrush has the capacity to soothe upset stomachs, kill intestinal parasites, and increase metabolism. All of this together can help us to experience fewer problems with our bodies and physical nature so that we can feel more confident and ready to navigate our lives elegantly and with optimism. ​

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