Oil of Gold
Oil of Gold is a true oil procured from the metal Gold via a Catalytic Conversion Reaction between it and an Alkahest/Menstruum. The oil itself doesn't contain any metallic constituents or particles and is considered to be organic in nature. It is not a colloidal suspension, such as Colloidal Gold (which does contain colloidal suspension of metallic Gold.) It is not a carrier oil such as jojoba oil that had gold flakes in it, nor is it an "energetic" tincture such as gemstone "essences" that contain the frequency of the metal or stone in use. It is not Ormus. The Oil of Gold is an actual oil that is extracted from its metallic source - Gold. The Oil of Gold is a highly complex, hydrophobic liquid, similar in nature and makeup to a plant's essential oil, except its made from a catalytic conversion reaction with Gold.
The Oil of Gold is a lipid comprised of organic phenols, terpenes, and pyrroles. It is these compounds that give the Oil of Gold its unique aroma, taste, color, and therapeutic effects.
The Oil of Gold seems to have profound effects on one's physical and mental state.
To begin the work, the Gold must first be “opened” & "turned inside out" by converting it into a water-soluble crystal. This is accomplished with a combination of acids that can be produced naturally via pyrolysis of Sea Salt and Nitre.
The gold is then recrystalized and purified of any toxic Nitrates. Once the Gold is opened, it serves as a catalyst to create the Oil of Gold. The oil itself is made when an alkahest or other menstruum is introduced and allowed to digest the Gold for an entire year. Chemically speaking, the oil is the result of a Catalytic Conversion Reaction.
Chloroauric Crystals after several washes. Notice some of the Gold molecules being reduced into a much more sovereign state (the black regions.)
Prior to digestion with my mentstruum, I redissolve the pure Chloroauric Crystals, followed by a final re-crystallization.
Once the opened gold has been digested in the menstruum for about a year, the menstruum is then carefully distilled off and set aside for future use in making more oil of gold. The oil, once free of the menstruum is washed and purified of any toxic metallic salts. The purified oil is quite aromatic and contains a complex of organic compounds (namely phenols, terpenes, ketones and pyrroles.)